Tuesday, February 10, 2009


...and Hello. I don't have any nifty gifties for you, but I would like to thank you for checking out the blog in its early stages. There's a lot of work to be done, but at the same time, I couldn't really wait any longer to open this up. There's a lot going on right now, and Will and I have a lot to say.

Hopefully, you could presume from the title of the blog that this is going to be some light-hearted stuff. That means no How to REALLY Save Our Economy posts. No fluff pieces on Bob Ley. No 4-in-the-morning life confessionals. And certainly, no haiku's. The main reason Will and I think this could be a good idea is because we both have a sense of humor that appeals to seeing someone who takes themselves too serious getting egged in the face. At the same time, I think the both of us are self-aware enough that we are often the ones who end up with eggs on our face (Insert LOST-esque flashback to this past November of me texting friends "I've never enjoyed watching a QB and Head Coach, the way I've enjoyed watching Favre and Mangini this year.")

All that being said, the things that you can expect are long-winded sports posts, movie/music reviews, funny YouTube clips, roasts of acquaintances, exaggerated tales, etc. I think within the first two weeks or so, you'll really get a feel for why we wanted to do this. We are always open to feedback and appreciate all comments.

I think I've pretty much covered everything I want to. I'm sure Will will have some things to add. Again, thanks for checking us out, we understand it's hard not to.

1 comment:

  1. For me personally, this is better than Christmas.
