Yes, this is a blatant excuse for me to talk about LOST, but I promise to limit it to just this quote. If I was face-to-face with Sayid, the first question that I would ask and yes, I am quoting Michael Scott, would be "What gives you the right?" While we don't know exactly why Sayid is no longer working for Ben, it's not a stretch to believe that Ben screwed him over royally. Ben has a tendency to do that. Popular opinion seems to be that Ben was actually the one behind Sayid's wife, Nadia's death. I'm not ruling this out, but I'm not so sure about that. While Ben is obviously not above playing puppet master with the emotions of the Oceanic 6 (see: His paternity suit against Kate), I don't think he would've had Nadia killed simply because if Sayid knew such a thing, Ben would've been killed a long time ago. There's no evidence that Sayid's thirst for blood has diminished (see: Dishwasher with knives facing up). I tend to think that Sayid's hatred for Ben stems from Sayid finding out that Ben falsely blamed Widmore's crew for Nadia's death in an effort to get Sayid to kill a bunch of people OR because Sayid knows that Ben killed Locke. HOWEVER, I'm not getting into that now.
My problem with the aforementioned quote is Sayid has no business talking to Jack like that. NONE. Now, I'm sure people who know me well will simply dismiss this as my love for Jack blinding me to reality and making me more bias than I've been since someone asked me who I thought was the better quarterback, Chad or Eli? That is not the case, and to all of you who are thinking that, check out the picture and remember that Sayid tortured your loverboy Sawyer back in season one.
That's exactly my problem with Sayid saying that to Jack. Sayid has tortured many men and women whether it be in his days in the Iraqi National Guard or on the Island, and he's killed his fair share of them too. He's even killed because Ben has told him to. So knowing he's done all of that, he really has the audacity to threaten Jack because he is working with Ben to get back to the Island. Sayid, you've already worked for Ben, and you killed in his name. All Jack is doing is trying to get people together by doing smaller things like you know, helping to save you from those comma-inducing arrows. Get a grip Sayid! Just because you have an accent doesn't mean you are intelligent. Why don't you get off your high horse and warn Jack or do anything besides stand there with that stupid look on your face while spouting vague information like "they want you to believe it was a suicide" or "the only side that man is on is his own"? I'm starting to think Shannon was the brains of that relationship.
Whatttttt? You need to stop hating on Sayid and cut the man some slack. Granted, he has a twisted past that can't be dismissed but lets get real here. Jack has a serious drug problem that lost him his job. Not to mention how controlling he can be (see: Kate and Jack splitting up because he was still jealous over Sawyer). Now Jack's intentions are good but Sayid doesn't know that. Sayid doesn't trust Ben and for good reasons. Why should he trust Jack when the man is answering to Ben? Sayid was simply trying to rid himself of any possible future encounters with Ben or Jack. He doesn't want to go back to the island. You can't blame him for that. Perhaps he was out of line but that is no reason to be so harsh on him: "I'm starting to think Shannon was the brains of that relationship." That is just a ludicrous statement.