Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DVR Alert: Lil' Wayne on ESPN's Around the Horn

Weezy F. Baby is going to be on ESPN's Around the Horn hosted by Tony Reali (He went to THE Christian Brother Academy, in case you weren't already aware) at 5:00 today. Hopefully, future DVR alerts will come sooner than 38 minutes before the show is set to air, but I still had to get it out there.

Update: Vegas has a Wayne/Paige showdown at -400, and Jackie Mac/Plashcke at +1200.

1 comment:

  1. Background information: My best friend and I send each other a lot of bumper stickers.

    I sent Danielle a lot of Weezy bumper stickers that were all seemingly cute quotes. I say cute because prior to reading this blog, every time I saw "Weezy F. Baby" I had always thought it was the penguin from Toy Story 2. It turns out that the penguin I am referring to has an h in his name and is actually "Wheezy".
